martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Ivori: a great discovery

Every once in a while (not so often, though) one rambles around a beautiful city and bumps into a store that has a charm like no other. That, mes chéries, is what happened to me just a few days ago.
I was wandering around the neighbourhood of El Born in Barcelona. A neighbourhood known for its character, multicultural setting and its one-of-a-kind local stores. Old streets where it is easy to find great vintage stores like Le Swing, little cafes to enjoy delicious macaroons like Bubó, or, as was the case, the incredible store Ivori.


Ivori is a clothing store that opened last December. It is run by a Catalan designer with incredible style and eyes and only sales clothing by local designers that has been produced in Barcelona (minus the shoes, that, however, are also produced in Spain).
I saw the window of the store and it immediately caught my eye. A beautiful and distinctive bag was hanging, and taking a peek into the place , I saw a pair of shoes that I also felt in love with. I dragged my boyfriend into the store and I was surrounded by back-opened dresses, shirts with unique cuts and the feeling that I had discovered a gem.
If you live o are visiting Barcelona, Ivori is a store that you must visit. I assure you, you won’t regret it.




De tant en quant, una es troba donant una volta per un dels seus barris preferits de Barcelona, com és el Born, i de sobte descobreix una tenda única que té un encant com cap altra. Això és el que em va succeir a mi fa uns dies quan vaig topar-me amb la tenda Ivori. La botiga, que va obrir al desembre, és propietat d’una jove dissenyadora local amb un estil únic i un ull fantàstic per peces boniques.
Passejava pel carrer i em va cridar l’atenció una bossa que hi havia l’aparador, així que espiant dins la botiga vaig veure també unes sabates que em van enamorar. Evidentment, vaig arrossegar la meva parella a dins on em vaig trobar envoltada de preciosos vestits d’esquena descoberta (la meva obsessió), samarretes amb un tall únic, i el sentiment de què havia descobert un tresor.
Encara més em va agradar la botiga quan la dissenyadora em va explicar que tota la roba, sabates i complements que hi ven és de dissenyadors i dissenyadores locals, i que la roba es produeix a Barcelona (menys les sabates, que també es fan al país però).
Si vius o visites Barcelona, Ivori és una botiga que no et pots perdre. T’ho asseguro, t’alegraràs d’haver-hi anat.

If you visit the store, do not forget to tell me what you thought!

domingo, 21 de julio de 2013

Oh, summer nights!

One of my favorite things to do is cook for my friends, have a nice table and entertain. However, as many other Spaniard students of my age, I don’t live on my own, thus, the possibility of having friends over for dinner is quite limited.

However, things turn around on summer when my family goes out almost every weekend and I have the house all for myself.



I think one good option to serve is a cheese table. I am a big lover of cheese, and it is as easy as it comes and is always successful. Also, guacamole is a “house” specialty, and since I know it is special preference of some of my friends, I often tend to serve it along nachos. Besides, it is so easy to make!


{Ignore the decor please!}

We had a wonderful time, I am so lucky to have these people in my life. Hopefully, we will have a similar dinner soon again!


viernes, 19 de julio de 2013

Barcelona: an ode to color


Barcelona is an incredible and gorgeous city. Saying that is simply an understatement. I have featured my beloved city on many occasions so far (here, fore example) But that, I tell you, is not going to prevent me from doing it again. As a new “category” of the blog, I will try to post more pictures of my favorite spots and neighborhoods, whether it is pictures of the streets, new restaurants and stores, and, of course, from now on, I will post pictures of my trips.


Barcelona is a city full of color. Not only Gaudí is to blame for that. On these pictures you can see the streets of El Born, a neighborhood that keeps amazing me every time I wander around.
One of the best parts of or afternoonwas discovering Círculo de Arte, a free entrance art gallery (with a great Store too!) that I will for sure be visiting again.


I particularly liked these paintings from a Catalan artist. Everywoman represents one continent and you can see particular elements (especially food) that represent each culture carried on her head.





Barcelona és una ciutat meravellosa. Aquesta afirmació no és cap secret. Són moltes les ocasions en què he fet posts sobre la ciutat, però això no evitarà que ho segueixi fent. D’ara en endavant, intentaré anar publicant fotografies dels meus llocs preferits de la ciutat, ja sigui carrers, restaurants o botigues. Per altra banda, també procuraré anar pujant les imatges dels meus viatges. Sempre m’ho proposo, però acabo abandonant el blog!
Que Barcelona és una ciutat plena de colors és evident, i no només el Gaudí en té la “culpa”. Fa uns dies, passejant pel Born, aquesta realitat era evident. Ara bé, una de les millors parts de la tarda va ser descobrir Circulo de Arte, una galeria d’art d’entrada gratuïta que em va encantar i que ben segur torno a visitar!



miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

Goofy me


This last year has probably been the most stressful yet. Regardless of how little I write and post on this blog, it is something that has also been reflected here. However, most of what has been going on for the past few months (and the fast four years, as a matter of fact!) is coming to an end.
Fear? Yes, undoubtedly, but also the conscience that what’s to come is going to be the best yet. I have graduated from law school, I am still working at the same law firm, but that is coming to an end too. And tones of the decisions will have to be made on the following weeks (also decisions about this blog, I won't lie to you, closing it definitely was an option, but I have decided otherwise, you will see changes!). All of the efforts and hard work are paying off (more on that later) and I couldn’t be happier, I know I did my best and now I am seeing the results, but for now, and despite the uncertainty of the future, I am trying to finally unwind a little and enjoy the spare moments that I have.
Last Friday, we went to el Parc de la Ciutadella after work and had a picnic on the grass. For the occasion, and despite the warm weather, I was wearing jeans, an extremely comfortable shirt by Código Básico and the wedges that have accompanied me during many summers now (from Mango). As it was casual Friday in the office, I was allowed to wear jeans, however, shorts of course are not an option.

I love this necklace, it's from my favourite store in my hometwon, "Lantana". Always good to add a pop of color!


Every day wear: Massimo Dutti watch, the ring that my dad gifted me on my 18th birthday and Tiffany's ring.
See you soon, I promise!