viernes, 19 de julio de 2013

Barcelona: an ode to color


Barcelona is an incredible and gorgeous city. Saying that is simply an understatement. I have featured my beloved city on many occasions so far (here, fore example) But that, I tell you, is not going to prevent me from doing it again. As a new “category” of the blog, I will try to post more pictures of my favorite spots and neighborhoods, whether it is pictures of the streets, new restaurants and stores, and, of course, from now on, I will post pictures of my trips.


Barcelona is a city full of color. Not only Gaudí is to blame for that. On these pictures you can see the streets of El Born, a neighborhood that keeps amazing me every time I wander around.
One of the best parts of or afternoonwas discovering Círculo de Arte, a free entrance art gallery (with a great Store too!) that I will for sure be visiting again.


I particularly liked these paintings from a Catalan artist. Everywoman represents one continent and you can see particular elements (especially food) that represent each culture carried on her head.





Barcelona és una ciutat meravellosa. Aquesta afirmació no és cap secret. Són moltes les ocasions en què he fet posts sobre la ciutat, però això no evitarà que ho segueixi fent. D’ara en endavant, intentaré anar publicant fotografies dels meus llocs preferits de la ciutat, ja sigui carrers, restaurants o botigues. Per altra banda, també procuraré anar pujant les imatges dels meus viatges. Sempre m’ho proposo, però acabo abandonant el blog!
Que Barcelona és una ciutat plena de colors és evident, i no només el Gaudí en té la “culpa”. Fa uns dies, passejant pel Born, aquesta realitat era evident. Ara bé, una de les millors parts de la tarda va ser descobrir Circulo de Arte, una galeria d’art d’entrada gratuïta que em va encantar i que ben segur torno a visitar!



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