martes, 8 de febrero de 2011


As I've mentioned in my previous post, I've been awarded by lovely Franzi from (thank you sweetheart!). Which means that I, and the people to whom I'll give the award, should do as follows:

1. Write a post like this: Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog

2. Tell your readers seven facts about you

3. Award 15 recently discovered bloggers with the prize.
4. Contact the winners.

1. I despise coffe, I've actually drank coffe about three times in my life (three weeks ago for the first time) because if not I would have fallen asleep. Instead, I like to indulge myself with hot chocolate.

2. Last summer I went to New York for the first time. Needless to say that, as I expected, I instantly fell in love with the city. I stayed for three weeks that felt like three days, and I can't wait to go back to the city.


3. I love traveling, it's my biggest pleasure in life, and mainly the reason why I work and the cause of my bad finances. But hey, it's totally worth it.


4. I have two gorgeous brothers, who used to drive me crazy when they were littler, but now that they've grown (and even though they are teenagers) everything seems to go way more smoothly.

5. I have always had a thing for shoes. When I was about six, I used to own a pair of shoes with the smallest heel made of wood, that would make a sound whenever I walked. I remember crying my heart out when I grew out of them.

{If only this was my closet!}

6. I love baking, but I have to admit that everything tastes infinitely better when my friend Annie is next to me (directing and supervising!)


7. I'm a law student.

I'd like to award dressed2dissh, kcomekarolina, fashioncappuccino (seriously, check her out!), Diana Kang, and my lovely readers, as all of them deserve it.


22 comentarios:

Rachel ~ Dressed to DIsh dijo...

thanks so much! That means alot! I tried clicking on the link on your post that leads to my blog but it appears to be broken, just wanted to let you know. Loved hearing more about you!! :)

Rachel ~ Dressed to DIsh dijo...

Thank you!! That means so much & you have made my day!! Make sure when you click the link on your post about my blog it goes appeared to be broken. Loved hearing more fun facts about you! :)

Fashion Cappuccino dijo...

Hi Miriam!! Thank you so much for your award! That's so sweet of you! I enjoyed reading about you and getting to know you a bit more. I really admire you for being a law student; that's a touch subject! :-) xoxoxoo

Stylifiq dijo...

congrats.. you deserve the award.
Style by Stylifiq

María/A cualquier otro lugar dijo...

Pues tenemos unas cuantas cosas en común: A mi también me encanta viajar, y también estudio Derecho :)

Un saludo!

Unknown dijo...

Thank you for passing by and leaving your sweet comment! I hope you know that k come karolina is also on bloglovin, facebook and twitter :) so cu soon!!!

xoxo from rome

nina oliva dijo...

congrats to your award! =)
I like how you were attached to those shoes as a girl... i had something similar with a skirt when I was little and one day I tore it. Hell! ;-)

Anónimo dijo...

I'm a law student too! :) jaja
Creo que ya lo habíamos comentado otra vez, por algo que pusiste en el blog, o que puse yo.
A mí también me ayuda a cocinar una amiga Esther, porque a ella se la da bastante bien, o mi novio que hace unos postres bien ricos. Y a mí también me gusta más el chocolate que el café, pero necesito tomarlo a veces, porque sino como tú dices, no podría mantenerme despierta.
Y me encanta viajar... y no he estado en Nueva York, pero mi madre vivió allí un tiempo y me ha contado que es una ciudad maravillosa ;)

un besito!

noura. dijo...

that hot chocolate is amazing

Dylana Suarez dijo...

Amazing blog! I must follow!


stylefrontier dijo...

what a lovely post. great to know you a little bit more

cuteredbow dijo...

Nice post !

Heart Charlie dijo...

Great post! I loves learning more about you ;) That heart shaped marshmellow cut out was adorable! And I love baking too ;)

Francesca dijo...

congrats :D beautiful pictures. makes me want to go travelling.

F. ( x

Unknown dijo...

I liked the pictures.
They are very good.
that lovely coffee.

CHLOE and JESSICA dijo...

you are so cute! and beautiful beautiful photos!!

stylecrasher dijo...

SANTORINI!I LOOOOOOVE IT!best vacation of my life <3

Anónimo dijo...

me gusta mucho el blog!!
nueva seguidora

Anónimo dijo...

me gusta mucho el blog!!
nueva seguidora

cailen ascher dijo...

i've been dying to go to santorini! i'm sooo jealous! it looks beautiful. and that closet...wish it were mine, too

cute blog!
until next time,

Catherine dijo...

the shoes closet <3
and another time, gorgeous pictures, what's your camera ? :) xx

Anónimo dijo...

mai havia vist aquest post!!! :) que maca que ets noia
